Danilo Lira

Mobile & Web Software Engineer

XP Inc

Technologies: Swift, Flutter, Firebase, XCTests, Robot
Contract: Full-time
Duration: Since Jan. 2022
Link: XP Investimentos

Company description: XP Inc is a leading financial services firm dedicated to revolutionizing the investment landscape. We offer a diverse array of services including wealth management, investment banking, and financial advisory. Our cutting-edge technology platform provides clients with unparalleled access to market insights, trading tools, and personalized financial strategies. At XP Inc, we are committed to fostering financial growth and empowering our clients to achieve their financial goals with confidence and security.

Role and contributions

I joined XP Inc as an iOS developer on the security team, where I was responsible for key mobile security features, including facial biometrics, anti-fraud mechanisms, login protocols, and fingerprint authentication. Over the years, I contributed to the development of the latest version of multi-factor authentication (MFA) management. I played a pivotal role in integrating these security features with various product teams, leading numerous integration efforts, creating comprehensive documentation, and coordinating with other teams to ensure seamless implementation.

To achieve this, I worked with architectures such as VIPER and Clean Architecture, using Swift as the primary programming language. Our projects adhered to rigorous test coverage standards, utilizing the XCTest framework to ensure robust and reliable code.

These security features facilitated easy integration for product teams, who previously had to integrate with each MFA individually before the creation of the anti-fraud MFA manager. This development enabled us to introduce new functionalities for clients, such as allowing changes to registration data in the logged-out area with facial biometric authentication.

Later, we migrated all these security features from native mobile to Flutter. I played an essential role in this process by leveraging my knowledge of the native flow to develop new and improved security features in Flutter.